5th month of pregnancy fetal development
Pregnancy Care

5th Month (week 17-20) Pregnancy Care 懷孕中期養胎

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 5th month of pregnancy. Your Spleen meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Spleen Burner meridian must be avoided in the 5th month. Spleen meridian helps fetus to form four limbs.

The Spleen meridian starts at the tip of the big toe → up the inner side of the leg and thigh → lower abdomen → side of the chest. In TCM, Spleen has the function to transport and transform nutrients. In this month, the fetus is receiving Fire essence (Heart) from the nutrients to form Qi in meridian.

Rise up from bed with ease, sleeping in late. Shower and wear clean, warm, and thick clothing, stay indoors, situate to allow sunlight exposure, and avoid getting cold. Best to eat rice, wheat, and grains. Beef and lamb soups are also good options. In the ancient time, herb (Shan) Zhu Yu was used to in a particular way to combine all the 5 tastes. These tastes include: sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty. The 5 tastes in harmony help to cultivate Qi, and thus to form the 5 Solid Zang organs (Heart, Lung, Spleen, Liver, Kidneys).

In the 5th month, there are 5 things to avoid:
1. Over hunger
2. Over eating
3. Foods that make the body dehydrate (drying foods like fried, salty, sugary)
4. Over heating of body temperature
5. Overwork or fatigue

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ This is the month you’ll receive your first ultrasound to meet your little one. You can see baby’s heartbeat, limbs, and movement. Your baby is also requiring lots of nutrients from you, so be sure to eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.

★ Shan Zhu Yu (Fructus Corni) is an herb also known as Japanese cornel dogwood fruit. It is sweet, sour, slightly warm in nature, and enters the Kidney and Liver channels to tonify, retains essence and body fluids. Also seen as an ingredient in the famous formula Liu Wei Di Huang Wan or Rehmannia Six. Remember to consult your health professionals before consuming herbs during pregnancy.

★ Read more about the 5 elements, mood, food, and pregnancy care relating to this month: https://bit.ly/5-6mpregnancycare

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第五個月(17-20週),足太陰經脾脈養胎,不可針灸其經,隱白、大都、公孫、商丘、三陰交、漏谷、陰陵泉等穴。脾經從足大趾開始 → 下肢內側往上→ 腹部 → 到胸側。妊娠五月,始受火精 (五行: 心臟),以成氣脈,胎兒四支皆成。

充足睡眠,晚點起床,處在室內,沐浴換洗,穿著厚又暖活衣服,在室內也能曬曬陽光,以避免受寒。飲食可多取稻麥,牛羊肉湯羹,以(山)茱萸調和五味: 甜、酸、苦、辛、鹹。這樣才能養足氣、形成五臟: 肝、心、脾、肺、腎。

1. 太過飢餓
2. 過飽
3. 令人口乾舌燥食物
4. 體溫過熱
5. 太過勞倦


★ 在這個月您將與寶寶超音波見面。可清楚看到寶寶的心跳、四肢、和動作。寶寶這時也需要特別多營養、孕媽咪要吃得健康和保持睡眠充足喔。

★ 山茱萸味屬甘、酸、微溫、歸肝腎經。功效為補益肝腎,收斂固澀。常見於六味地黃丸。妊娠時、吃任何草藥前一定要先與醫療專業會診喔!

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文: https://bit.ly/5-6mpregnancycare

