Who I am

Coming from a 4 generation lineage of Chinese Medicine practitioners, I have seen the profound effectiveness of this ancient healing in nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.

As a Naturopathic Doctor and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, I specialize in providing comprehensive care for pain relief, stress management, fertility support, and weight management. My dedication to patient well-being is grounded in a solid foundation of medical training, which includes completion of my studies at Bastyr University in Seattle, followed by advanced postgraduate training in esteemed institutions in Shanghai and Taiwan.

Throughout my educational journey, I had the privilege of immersing myself in diverse cultures and medical traditions. During both my undergraduate and graduate studies, I had the extensive opportunity to study in Japan, Nepal, and Tibet, enriching my understanding of holistic healthcare practices.

My involvement with the research group at University of Washington (UW) Harborview Medical Center in Seattle provided invaluable insights into end-of-life research, particularly focusing on the delicate balance between hope and information. It was during this time that I developed a deep fascination with medicine from a humanistic perspective, recognizing that it should be beyond equations or standardized approaches.

During my medical training, I served as the chair of the Bastyr Venture Grant program, an honor I received after being awarded a self-study travel grant. Through this experience, I delved into the realms of Tibetan Medicine and spirituality, refining my understanding of the connection in body, mind, and spirit in the healing process.

In my practice, I use an integrative approach that is both attentive and effective, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. I firmly believe that medicine encompasses more than just treating symptoms; it involves recognizing the inherent humaneness within each individual and the innate healing power of nature—embodied in the concept of “vis medicatrix naturae.” This holistic perspective is what distinguishes my practice Clinic Naturae, where every patient is valued and supported on their journey toward optimal health and wellness.

I have previously practiced in Iowa, is now established in the West Los Angeles area. I integrate therapies derived from naturopathic medicine with the foundational principles of health preservation found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, and Tui-Na therapy. I deliver holistic care, addressing the well-being of patients encompassing their physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.

This is, Ancient Medicine for Modern Health!

Dr. Kai-Yun in the Media talking about Acupuncture & Herbal remedies

《開運中醫》鄭凱勻醫師成長於台灣第四代的中醫世家,在環境的薰陶下,對中醫以及自然養生療法充滿濃厚的興趣。大學期間,因深刻體會到醫病溝通的重要性,因此在西雅圖華盛頓大學主修言語溝通,並在華大醫學中心與 Randall Curtis, MD 醫師從事與生命末期病患溝通的研究

為貫徹自然療法以及整體照顧的理念,鄭醫師於美國 Bastyr University 獲取自然醫學醫師以及中醫的雙學位。鄭醫師曾先後於上海中醫藥大學附設中醫院以及台灣知名陳潮宗中醫師診所進一步研習中醫療法。

在中醫專業之餘,鄭醫師對西藏醫學有深厚的研究。曾親身造訪西藏以及尼泊爾,與當地出名藏醫中心 Kunphen Medical Centre 的 Dr. Tashi Pedon 醫者交流,並於西雅圖開創藏藥醫學的課程。在學期間榮獲多項獎學金並擔任華盛頓州中醫學會代表,致力於推廣傳統醫學以及自然養生的理念。

鄭凱勻醫師曾服務於愛荷華,現位於西區洛杉磯。鄭醫師結合自然醫學中的天然療法以及中醫的養生觀念,以針灸草藥推拿為主,輔以生活飲食的改善,從人文根本來關心病人的健康與提供身心靈的完善照顧。請至此 (424)330-6683 來電或 線上預約