1st month embryo development
Pregnancy Care

First Month (week 1-4) 懷孕初期養胎 Pregnancy Care

Ni Hao dear, welcome to your first month of pregnancy. Its ancient name is Shi-Pei meaning “fetal embryo” and your Liver meridian is responsible for nurturing. Acupuncture along the Liver meridian must be avoided in the 1st month.

Liver meridian originates around the big toe → runs upward through the leg to pubic region → ends around the torso above diaphragm. From the TCM view, Liver oversees tendons and store blood.

In the 1st month, when yin and yang just newly joined, the flow of blood is not yet smooth, thus avoid strenuous activity, allow peaceful quiet rests, and avoid fearful emotion. Food wise, eat thoroughly cooked foods that are easy to digest, you can also try sour foods and barley. Avoid spicy and raw foods and abdominal fullness. Be mindful of how you dress and act: Cold can cause pain, heat can cause anger or fright, weightlifting can cause back pain.

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ When you feel sudden fear or anger, stress hormone are release into the blood stream. Stress hormones can increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and sugar metabolism, but some study shows it can relate to early miscarriage.

★ Barely is a chewy and nutty grain that is rich source of fiber, protein, and vitamin B6. Current studies have found vitamin B6 to be helpful for morning sickness. Gluten free alternative grain with rich vitamin B6 option is chickpeas or garbanzo beans. And many women swear by sour foods to alleviate morning sickness. In TCM 5 element theory, the Liver energy exactly relates to the taste of sour!

★ Read more about the 5 elements, Mood, Food, and Pregnancy Care relating to this month: https://bit.ly/1-2mpregnancycare

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第一個月(1-4週),名始胚,肝經足厥陰脈養胎。不可針灸其經(如大敦、行間、太沖、中封、五里、等穴。)肝經由腳大趾外→上升到腿部內側→陰部→最後到側胸部。肝有主管筋與藏血的功能。一月之時,陰陽剛不久結合成胎,血的運行還尚未順暢,所以不做勞力的事,讓自己能在安靜的地方休息,身心放穩,不恐懼。飲食要求煮透精華熟食為主,酸味食物或大麥,俗稱為洋薏仁或珍珠薏仁,較容易煮透。再來不吃生腥或辛辣,腹部脹滿拉肚子有可能會引起子宮向下的不穩定。其他身心注意事項: 寒冷會引起疼痛,燥熱會引起驚怒,舉重會引起腰痛。


★ 突發的驚嚇動怒會導致壓力荷爾蒙的產生,提高心跳、血壓、血糖水。為了不影響胎兒著床的穩定性, 好好的安穩身心。

★ 大麥含有豐富的蛋白質, 纖維, 和維生素B6。研究指出B6可以減輕孕吐。需要無麥質替代品的話,可以試試鷹嘴豆。其實,也有許多孕媽咪喜歡吃酸梅來減輕孕吐,這其實跟五行的「酸入肝」很有關連喔!

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文: https://bit.ly/1-2mpregnancycare

