6th month of pregnancy fetal development
Pregnancy Care

6th Month (week 21-24) Pregnancy Care 懷孕中期養胎

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 6th month of pregnancy. Your Stomach meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Stomach Burner meridian must be avoided in the 6th month. Stomach meridian helps fetus to form mouth and eyes. This meridian starts from below the eye → around the mouth → down to front of the neck → front of chest and abdomen → side aspects of the lower limb→ top of the foot near second toe.

During this month, rather than resting quiet at home, go out to the countryside and workout a little. Observe how dogs and horses run in the nature, because the baby is forming tendons this month from the Metal Essence (Lung). Doing so will help the baby form firm and strong body, spine, muscles, and tendons. Food wise, eat rare meats from ferocious birds to wild beasts. Enjoy sweets and delicacies, but not in excess or over full.

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ “Observe dog and horses run”. Again, we see the reciprocal concept of mind and body, see 3rd month pregnancy care. By observing dogs and horses run in the wild, the ancients are suggesting what you see in the outer world affects the inner growth.

★ Although the ancient suggestion of eating ferocious birds to wild beasts is not applicable in current time, we can interpret it as poultry, beef, or limb meats to help nourish and strengthen fetus growth.

★  Read more about the 5 elements, mood, food, and pregnancy care relating to this month: https://bit.ly/5-6mpregnancycare

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第六個月(21-24週),足陽明經胃脈養胎。不可針灸其經 (如厲兌、豐隆、陰市、上下廉、足三里等穴)。胃經由眼下開始 → 嘴邊 → 頸前 → 胸部腹部前方 → 下肢側方 → 腳面上方第二趾附近。

妊娠六月、胎兒口目形成、開始接受金精 (五行: 肺臟),以形成筋。媽媽要多出去走走,呼吸新鮮空氣之外,讓身體微勞作運動或伸展。郊遊於野外,觀看犬與馬奔跑的樣子。吃鷙鳥猛獸之肉,有助於胎兒長強壯的筋,肌肉,與背脊堅固。吃美味甜食等,但不過量或過飽。


★「 數觀走犬、及視走馬」如同妊娠三月的講的外在影響內在的概念 古文的重點是提醒孕媽咪們胎教的重要,外在能夠影響內在,身心的關聯是真實存在的!

★ 「食宜鷙鳥猛獸之肉」雖然不符合現代飲食,但可意會古人的意思是要以吃來強化胎兒的成長。可以禽類、牛羊等替代。

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文: https://bit.ly/5-6mpregnancycare

