Pregnancy Care

7th Month (week 25-28) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 7th month of pregnancy. Your Lung meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Lung meridian must be avoided in the 7th month. This meridian starts from side of chest → down the arm laterally → big thumb. Lung meridian helps fetus to form skin pore hair. Your fetus also receives Wood Essence (Liver) to form bones.

To enhance the movement of Qi and Blood, stretch out and work out. Make sure your living environment is warm, avoid cold or icy foods, eat rice grains. Doing so, will help firm the growth of between skin/muscle layer (interstitial space), and enrich the bone growth to firm the teeth. Other cautionary things for Moms:
• Avoid speaking loudly
• Avoid bawling
• Avoid dressing inadequately
• Avoid bathing
• Avoid drinking cold or icy beverages

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ According to current understanding of fetal development, this is the month your baby is developing bones and fat layer under skin, also known as interstitial space. This closely matches the ancient’s explanation! In TCM terms, the interstitial space is where our Wei (defensive) Qi lies. The Wei Qi is controlled by Lung, and its functions include:
1. warm the body, help regulate body temperature
2. monitor sweat, regulate pores to breathe
3. defend against cold or pathogen

★ Taking a bath or washing your hair may be a difficult task in the old days, especially when it comes to drying your hair. That’s why the ancient advised against it. Taking a bath is perfectly safe in the modern days, plus it’s super relaxing! Do make sure the temperature is below 100 °F (37.7 °C) and avoid jacuzzi, sauna, or hot tubs that are at higher temperatures.

★ Read more about the 5 elements, Mood, Food, and Pregnancy Care relating to this month:

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第七個月(25-28週),手太陰肺脈養胎,不可針灸其經 (少商、魚際、列缺、尺澤、天府等穴)。肺經從胸側開始 → 上肢面前的外側 → 直到大拇指 。

妊娠七月,始受木精 (五行: 肝臟),以成骨頭,胎兒的皮毛也形成。為了運轉氣血、孕媽咪們可多做伸展和有氧運動、居住環境與飲食避免寒冷、保持溫暖。為了寶寶的腠理(皮下組織)成長順利,可多吃稻米,這樣也會滋養寶寶骨頭的以及堅強牙齒的形成。其他媽咪注意事項:
• 不大聲說話
• 不哭號
• 不穿薄衣
• 不洗浴
• 不喝寒冷飲料


★ 現代胎兒成長學中,七月正是胎兒長骨骼,形成皮下脂肪的時候。這些成長時刻恰巧與古人的解說相同! 脂肪就是位於中醫所謂的腠理。腠理內藏有中醫所講的「衛氣」。這個月的「肺經」恰巧的主管著「衛氣」,所以,這個月就是要好好護著肺經,幫助寶寶形成強狀的防衛系統。衛氣的功能如下:
1. 溫暖身體,調節溫度
2. 調節汗液,毛孔呼吸
3. 護衛外邪入侵

★ 也許沐浴洗頭在古代來說比較困難,加上無現代吹風機的加持,所以當時的古人不建議孕婦洗浴泡澡。不過洗浴泡澡是一件安全又令人放鬆的事。只要確認水溫不超過 100 °F (37.7 °C) 即可。但不建議使用過熱的三溫暖,熱水池,或按摩浴缸。

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文:


『妊娠七月,始受木精,以成其骨,勞身搖肢,無使定止,動作屈伸,以運血氣,居處必燥,飲食避寒,常食稻粳,以密腠理,是謂養骨而堅齒。妊娠七月,手太陰脈養,不可針灸其經,如少商、魚際、列缺、尺澤、天府等穴是也。)手太陰內屬於肺,主皮毛,七月之時,兒皮毛已成,無大言,無號哭,無薄衣,無洗浴,無寒飲。 』