2nd month of pregnancy embryo development
Pregnancy Care

Second Month (week 5-8) 懷孕初期養胎 Pregnancy Care

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your second month of pregnancy. Its ancient name is Shi-Gao meaning “original paste” and your Gallbladder meridian is responsible for nurturing. Acupuncture along the Gallbladder meridian must be avoided in the 2nd month.

The Gallbladder meridian begins in the outer eye → goes to the side of the head → down to the top of shoulder → to the lateral side of the body and leg → ends at the tip of the fourth toe. From the TCM view, Gallbladder oversees essence, like current anatomical understanding of it storing bile.

In the 2nd month, the embryo essence is developing inside the womb and Yin Yang is starting to settle. The ancient text advises to avoid any startle, intercourse, and food that are spicy and drying. Also, avoid getting too cold or hot, or catching a flu.

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ This is the last month your baby is called an “embryo”. Your body is requiring fluids in great amount!! Be aware signs of dehydration include: less frequent or darker colored urination, less skin elasticity or tents up, dizziness, dry mouth or tongue. Eating nutrient and fluid rich foods is important to help the body transfer nourishment throughout and to your baby. Examples of fluid rich foods are: cucumber, cauliflower, watermelon, and zucchini. Foods that are prone to dehydration are spicy, fried, salty, diuretic foods such as sugary drinks, fried foods, popcorn, asparagus, coffee, sweets, and high protein foods.

★ Cold temperature contracts. Hot temperature expands. Same concept applies to the body temperature we feel, and the food or drink we intake. Maintaining a balance and being aware of the actions we take and what food we put in our body, is the key in TCM.

★ Read more about the 5 elements, Mood, Food, and Pregnancy Care relating to this month: https://bit.ly/1-2mpregnancycare

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第二個月(5-8週),名始膏,膽經足少陽脈養胎。不可針灸其經(如膽竅、邱墟、付陽、絕骨、外立、陽陵泉等穴。)膽經由眼外側→頭側→肩頂→側腰側下肢→第四腳趾。膽主管精華。二月之時,胎兒的精華還在形成和定位於子宮裡,為了避免胎要相當謹慎保護不要驚動到胎兒,避免行房、 不吃辛辣、 不吃會引起燥熱或口乾舌燥的食物。其他孕婦要注意會影響胎兒的事項: 寒冷、 炎熱、 感冒等。


★ 懷孕時期,媽媽需要大量水份提供,吃滋養有水分的食物才能夠幫助輸傳營養給全身及胎兒,譬如:小黃瓜、西瓜、花椰菜、芹菜等。媽媽要如何知道自己缺乏水份呢?尿次數減少、尿色深、皮膚乾缺乏光澤或彈性、頭暈、口乾舌燥都是身體發出來的警告喔!以下食物會消耗水份,媽媽們需注意:糖飲甜食、油炸、重鹹味、高蛋白、蘆筍(利尿)、爆米花、咖啡或茶等。

★ 冷縮熱脹, 飲食與身體的溫度也要溫暖平衡才好。中醫講究的「食」與「行」就是要懂得保持中庸之道和保有覺知力。

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文: https://bit.ly/1-2mpregnancycare

