3rd month of pregnancy embryo development
Pregnancy Care

Third Month (week 9-12) 懷孕初期養胎 Pregnancy Care

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your third month of pregnancy. Its ancient name is Shi-Tai meaning “original fetus” and your Pericardium meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Pericardium meridian must be avoided in the 3rd month.

The Pericardium meridian begins from side of chest → arches over the armpit → down the inner upper arm and forearm centrally → palm and middle finger tip. From the TCM view, Pericardium is the prime minister to the Heart king, where the king houses one’s spirit and oversees blood vessels. The Pericardium protects and transmits orders from the Heart.

In the ancient text, it was believed the fetal gender can be determined by what Mom sees. If one wished for a boy, it suggests to do archery. If one wished for a girl, it suggests to play with jewelry beads. To have a beautiful child, count and view jade objects. To have a virtuous child, sit with pureness without desire. This is because perspective from the outer world can affects one’s inner. While the Pericardium (and Heart) are in charge this month, avoid getting frightened, angered, or worried with a busy mind.

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ This is the last month where the ancient text gives a name description to the fetus. Concurrently in the 3rd month is when your baby is now a “fetus” instead of an “embryo”.

★ The ancient text advises to avoid needling along the Pericardium channel during 3rd month, which happens to include the famous anti-nausea point: Pericardium 6 (NeiGuan). This point is located 3 fingers breadths below the wrist crease, and is seen commercialized as seasick band for nausea and vomiting. This brings to question: to acupuncture or not to acupuncture? Acupuncture has been an medium between art, philosophy, and science for centuries, and there is room for understanding and scientific research. An approach to dilemmas like this would be to weigh out the benefits and risks, and with respect to the ancient guidelines. What are some other dietary changes we can take? What are some lifestyle changes we can do? Are there things we could try before resorting to Pericardium 6? What are some morning sickness triggers we can avoid? This would be a good time for you and your health professionals to communicate, and come up with ideas that is best for you and baby.

★ Currently we know fetal gender organs develops between 7 to 12 weeks. A genetic testing of the blood can find out baby’s gender as early as week 7. Regardless of what ancient determinates to gender may be, it serves as an important reminder to Mom that reflections of the outer world can greatly affect your inner world. During this month, your senses, spirit, mentality, and your “Heart” plays a big role. The mind-body connect is real!

★ Read more about the 5 elements, mood, food, and pregnancy care relating to this month: https://bit.ly/3-4mpregnancycare

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第三個月(9-12週),名始胎,心包經脈養胎。不可針灸其經 (如中衝、勞宮、大陵、內關、間使、曲澤等)。心包經由胸旁開始→腋下→手臂內側中間→手掌至中指尖。心包護衛著心臟,傳導心主的命令。



★ 妊娠三月名始胎,也是逐月養胎方最後一個形容胎兒所給的名字。現代醫學也剛好從這個月開始稱呼寶寶為胎兒,不再是個胚胎了。

★ 古文中提到妊娠三月之時不針心包經脈。剛好大眾所知的止吐「內關穴」 就處在心包經上! 位於手腕橫紋正中之三手指寬度以下。市面也上會賣類似刺激內關穴位的手環繃帶產品,特別是此時,孕媽咪們會有孕吐的狀況,所以到底要針還是遵循古法不針呢? 這個時候就需要您跟醫療專業一起溝通。按摩針灸內關穴之外有什麼飲食或生活方式可以改善? 在什麼狀況下容易誘發孕吐? 如何避免這些誘發? 要怎麼確保您與寶寶安康? 這些是值得與醫師一起探討的。

★ 目前對胎兒的認知,性別器官成長於7-12週,現代醫學發達,於第7週就能可以透過基因驗血得知寶寶性別。姑且不論是否孕媽咪的言行舉止能夠影響胎兒的性別,古文的重點是提醒孕媽咪們胎教的重要,外在能夠影響內在,身心的關聯是真實存在的!

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文: https://bit.ly/3-4mpregnancycare

