Pregnancy Care

10th Month (week 37-40) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 10th month of pregnancy! Your Bladder meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Bladder meridian must be avoided in the 10th month. This meridian starts from the inner side of eye → scalp following close to midline → down the head to the back side of neck → down near the midline of spine → buttock → back of thigh to back to the knee → again, up the spine more laterally down the spine one more time → back of the lower calf → side of the foot to the little toe.

The 5 Yin (Solid/Zang 臟) and 6 Yang (Hallow/Fu 腑) organs are formed and free of obstructions. The joints, the body, and mind (mentality) are all composed and ready. Bring the energy (Qi) of Heaven and Earth to your Dan Tien (丹田), and wait for the time to give birth.

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ Dan Tien (丹田) is located 3 cun or 4 fingers width below the umbilicus, similar to the 2nd Chakra.

★ In a deeper philosophical understanding, bringing the energy of Heaven and Earth together actually isn’t something abstract or out of reach. For laboring Moms, it means to bring all your awareness to the here and now at Dan Tien. Don’t be afraid, have no doubts, be present for this sacred moment. Focus on your breath during labor, and push with the muscle of sacrum at Dan Tien. If pushing strength is too dispersed, petechiae or bleeding under the skin looking like rash, or bleeding through the eyes may occur.

★ This translation series of “Month by Month Formulas for Nurturing the Fetus” has come to an end. Thank you for reading along. Yet the story doesn’t end here, remember this gift of wisdom through labor. It will come in handy into motherhood, parenting, and relationships.

★ Read more about the 5 elements, Mood, Food, and Pregnancy Care relating to this month:

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第十個月(37-40週),足太陽膀胱經養胎 。 膀胱經由眼內開始 → 頭皮中線 → 腦後下脖子 → 脊椎靠近中心線往下至膝蓋後方 → 再一次由上方脊椎側邊往下→ 至小腿側方 → 延著腳側到小腳趾 。



★ 丹田位於肚臍下3寸或四隻手指寬度的地方。

★ 以深奧哲學思考角度,「納入天地之氣」並非是抽象或做不到的事。對於待產的孕媽咪來說,就是把所有的專注帶領到丹田。不害怕、不懷疑、處於當下神聖時刻。生產時專注呼吸調氣、推用下腹丹田處的肌肉群。如果力氣沒集中散佈全身,產後可能出現皮下出血的血斑,以及眼睛血管爆裂。

★ 徐之才『逐月養胎方』已完成翻譯解說。感謝您的追縱閱讀。但故事並沒有結束,希望孕媽咪們能帶著古人養胎的智慧內涵,到為人父母以及親子關係中,受用無窮!

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文:

