Pregnancy Care

9th Month (week 33-36) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎

Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 9th month of pregnancy. Your Kidney meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Kidney meridian must be avoided in the 9th month. This meridian starts from the sole of the foot → inner ankle → inner lower limb → goes upward near the midline of the abdomen and chest → ends just under the clavicles bone. Kidney is about continuity, like inheritance or heritage passed down.

Fetus receives Stone Essence (Mother’s essence) this month to form skin and hair. All the meridians connections, 6 hallow Fu organs, and hundred joints are form. There is nothing else that’s not yet formed. Drink sweet spring (or wine) and eat sweet foods. Dress loosely, but not too warm, and avoid cold damp places. Have self control and wait patiently till baby arrives. By doing so, it will help your baby grow beautiful hair and flourish their talents or personality.

Dr. Kai-Yun’s
《Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health》 :

★ “Li” (醴) was an ancient alcohol-like sweet drink made from grains. Li can also mean sweet spring. Avoid alcohol throughout pregnancy is strongly advised!! Sources of healthy sweets can come from whole foods such as sweet potato, sweet corn, apples.

★ TCM proverb: “Kidney energy is the congenital source of life. It’s the root of human life. Spleen energy is the acquired source of life. It’s the fountain of Qi and Blood transformation.” Thus, what we eat determines us greatly, like the English proverb, “You are what you eat”, signifies the importance of healthy eating.

★ Read more about the 5 elements, Mood, Food, and Pregnancy Care relating to this month:

孕媽咪妳好,歡迎來到妊娠第九個月(33-36週),足少陰腎經養胎,不可針灸其經 ( 湧泉、然谷、太溪、交信、築賓、伏溜等穴 ) 。 腎經由腳底足心開始 → 腳內側 → 下肢內側 → 腹腔接近中心線往上 → 胸腔接近中心線 → 直到鎖骨下 。

妊娠九月,始受石精 (母親的精華),來形成皮膚毛髮,六腑以及百個關節。這個時候胎兒沒有什麼不具備了 。 腎代表著傳承連結,此時的脈絡也連結形成了。飲醴,吃甘甜 ,孕媽咪衣服穿寬鬆,不處在濕冷地方,也不穿過熱,要有自制力,慢慢等待寶寶的來臨。 這樣,寶寶才能擁有美麗的秀髮,有才華個性。


★ 「醴」在古代是一種穀類發芽的發酵甜酒,或者是甜泉。完全不建議孕婦吃任何含酒精的食物及飲料。古人所謂的吃甘甜食物,其實以健康全食類也能夠從甜番薯,甜玉米,蘋果等來攝取。

★ 中醫講:「腎為先天之本,人體生命之根;脾為後天之本,氣血生化之源 」 所以我們後天吃什麼主宰能力也很大,英文成語就如此形容: 「 你吃什麼,你就成什麼 」。

★ 詳細逐月的五行養胎心志與飲食的全文:

