According to CDC, as high as 25% of US adults suffer from neck pain. You may have experience this sensation before, waking up in the morning and all the sudden you can't turn your neck. There is a Chinese word that literally means "falling off the pillow" or "Luo-Zhen" (落枕). Neck stiffness and pain is… Continue reading Getting Rid of Stiff Neck
Author: drkaiyun
1, 2, 3 of IVF Acupuncture
With many ups and downs along the way, Acupuncture for IVF or IUI has supported families wanting to conceive. Acupuncture can help increase rate of successful pregnancy, it also help reduce anxiety and calm the mind. In this article, you will learn: What are the 3 different types of Acupuncture done for IVF or IUI.Goals… Continue reading 1, 2, 3 of IVF Acupuncture
Tax Season Anxiety, Can Acupuncture Help?
Yes! Acupuncture can help with Tax Season Anxiety and give you better concentration. Tis the season that we try to avoid yet we know we can not hide. Yes, that's Tax Season Anxiety right there! It's understandably daunting to face that pile of crunched up receipts, calculate how you can save, and find that trustworthy… Continue reading Tax Season Anxiety, Can Acupuncture Help?
心情溫度計 Mood Thermometer | BSRS-5
Like catching colds, our mood can catch colds sometimes without knowingly. Take a moment, measure your mental well-being by using this simple Mood Thermometer every once in a while. This is suitable for anyone at any age. Mood Thermometer, BSRS-5 English version survey. Originally developed by Dr. Ming Been Lee. English Version Adapted from: 簡式健康量表BSRS-5… Continue reading 心情溫度計 Mood Thermometer | BSRS-5
10th Month (week 37-40) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 10th month of pregnancy! Your Bladder meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Bladder meridian must be avoided in the 10th month. This meridian starts from the inner side of eye → scalp following close to midline → down the head to the back side of neck →… Continue reading 10th Month (week 37-40) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
9th Month (week 33-36) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 9th month of pregnancy. Your Kidney meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Kidney meridian must be avoided in the 9th month. This meridian starts from the sole of the foot → inner ankle → inner lower limb → goes upward near the midline of the abdomen and… Continue reading 9th Month (week 33-36) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
8th Month (week 29-32) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 8th month of pregnancy. Your Large Intestine meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Large Intestine meridian must be avoided in the 8th month. This meridian starts from index finger → up the arm laterally → shoulder → side of neck → ends by the nose. Large… Continue reading 8th Month (week 29-32) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
7th Month (week 25-28) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 7th month of pregnancy. Your Lung meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Lung meridian must be avoided in the 7th month. This meridian starts from side of chest → down the arm laterally → big thumb. Lung meridian helps fetus to form skin pore hair. Your fetus… Continue reading 7th Month (week 25-28) Pregnancy Care 懷孕後期養胎
6th Month (week 21-24) Pregnancy Care 懷孕中期養胎
Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 6th month of pregnancy. Your Stomach meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Stomach Burner meridian must be avoided in the 6th month. Stomach meridian helps fetus to form mouth and eyes. This meridian starts from below the eye → around the mouth → down to front… Continue reading 6th Month (week 21-24) Pregnancy Care 懷孕中期養胎
5th Month (week 17-20) Pregnancy Care 懷孕中期養胎
Ni Hao Dear, welcome to your 5th month of pregnancy. Your Spleen meridian is responsible for nurturing the fetus. Acupuncture along the Spleen Burner meridian must be avoided in the 5th month. Spleen meridian helps fetus to form four limbs. The Spleen meridian starts at the tip of the big toe → up the inner side… Continue reading 5th Month (week 17-20) Pregnancy Care 懷孕中期養胎